<p class="account"><% if current_user&.first_name? %>Welcome back, <%= link_to current_user.first_name, edit_user_registration_path %>. <% if current_user&.admin? %>You hold the keys to the kingdom.<% end %> <% if current_user&.paid_user? %> Thank you, your financial support makes this work possible.<% elsif current_user&.active_subscriber? %>Thank you for your ongoing support.<% end %><% else %> You are not logged in. <%= link_to "Change that?", new_user_session_path %><% end %></span></p>
- <p>© <%= Time.current.year %> <%= link_to "Aidan Cornelius-Bell", "/about" %>, CC-NC-SA.</p>
+ <p>© <%= Time.current.year %> <%= link_to "Aidan Cornelius-Bell", "/about" %>, CC-NC-SA. <em>Est. 2024</em>.</p>
<p>This site is managed from the sovereign Yarta of the Kaurna Miyurna, with respect and gratitude for the custodianship of Elders past and present of the many Countries it may appear upon.</p>
<p>For legal purposes: any views expressed directly on this website are my own and not reflective of those of any employers, colleagues or affiliates. Links provided remain the views and intellectual property of their respective owners.</p>