@page = params[:page].to_i || 1
@filter = params[:filter] || 'all'
+ if params[:from] == "a...com" || session[:cbcom] == "true"
+ @cbcom = true
+ session[:cbcom] = "true"
+ puts "DEBUG: Matched condition #{@cbcom} #{session[:cbcom]} SET"
+ end
+ if params[:from] == "clear"
+ @cbcom = false
+ session.delete(:cbcom)
+ puts "DEBUG: Matched condition #{@cbcom} #{session[:cbcom]} CLEAR"
+ end
@items = Post.get_posts_and_bookmarks_with_pagination(@page, @per_page, @filter)
@total_pages = @items.total_pages
@current_page = @items.current_page
<%= link_to root_path do %>
<%= image_tag "icon-512.png", class: "logo", alt: "mind reader logo" %>
<% end %>
- <h1 class="header">mind reader <% if ["9/1", "8/2", "14/2", "12/4"].include?(Time.current.strftime("%-d/%-m")) %><small id="valentine">acb❦pab</small><% end %></h1>
+ <h1 class="header">mind reader <% if ["9/1", "8/2", "14/2", "12/4"].include?(Time.current.strftime("%-d/%-m")) %>
+ <small id="valentine">acb❦pab</small><% end %><% if ["7/2", "9/2"].include?(Time.current.strftime("%-d/%-m")) %>
+ <small id="valentine">luxuriating in my anxiety</small><% end %><% if @cbcom === true %>
+ <small id="valentine"><a href="https://aidan.cornelius-bell.com">click to return</a> <a href="/?from=clear" id="no-a-style">to cornelius-bell.com</a></small><% end %></h1>
<p class="subheading"><small>An anti-capitalist blog of dispatches and links from Aidan Cornelius-Bell</small></p>