<%= stylesheet_link_tag "application" %>
- <%= auto_discovery_link_tag(:rss, rss_url, title: "mind reader (bookmarks and dispatch excerpts)") %>
- <%= auto_discovery_link_tag(:rss, dispatches_rss_url, title: "mind reader (full dispatches)") %>
+ <%= auto_discovery_link_tag(:rss, rss_url, title: "mind reader :: dispatches and bookmarks in summary") %>
+ <%= auto_discovery_link_tag(:rss, dispatches_rss_url, title: "mind reader :: dispatches full text") %>
<% if ['posts', 'pages'].include?(controller.controller_name) %>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/simplemde.min.css">
xml.title "mind reader :: dispatches full text"
xml.description "Posts in full from Aidan’s anti-capitalist posting and sharing project"
- xml.title "mind reader :: dispatches and bookmarks summary"
+ xml.title "mind reader :: dispatches and bookmarks in summary"
xml.description "Posts and links in summary from Aidan’s anti-capitalist posting and sharing project"
xml.link root_url
xml.description post.generate_excerpt
xml.pubDate post.rss_time
+ if post.post_type == 'bookmark'
+ xml.link post.url
+ else
xml.link public_post_url(year: post.created_at.year, slug: post.slug)
+ end
xml.guid public_post_url(year: post.created_at.year, slug: post.slug)
# Add more metadata if needed